
No Title Category Author
1 PIP Purpose and Guidelines - Pactus Development Team []


No Title Category Author
27 Pruned Node Core Pactus Development Team []
26 Minimum Availability Score Core B00f (@b00f)
23 Sign and verify message by public and private key account Interface Javad Rajabzadeh (@ja7ad)
22 Agent Node Defination Network Nagaraj (@ragnarok87)
20 Basic Authentication for gRPC APIs Interface Javad Rajabzadeh (@Ja7ad)
19 Availability Score for Validators Core B00f (@b00f)
18 Clock Offset Calculation Network Mr. HoDL (@Mr-HoDL58)
B00f (@b00f )
15 In-Memory Cache for Stored Items Core B00f (@b00f)
14 Client Agent Standard Network Javad Rajabzadeh []
13 Import Private Keys Wallet Amir Babazadeh (@amirvalhalla)
11 Deterministic key hierarchy for BLS12-381 curve Wallet B00f (@b00f)
9 Removing Stamp Core Amir Babazadeh (@amirvalhalla)
8 Defining address type based on the address usage Core Kayhan Alizadeh []
B00f (@b00f )
7 Checking Timestamp Difference in Handshaking Network Kayhan Alizadeh []
4 Indexing Public Keys Core Kayhan Alizadeh []
3 Removing sequence field from transactions Core B00f (@b00f)
2 Lock Time Transactions Core B00f (@b00f)


No Title Category Author
31 Consumptional Fee Model Core Pactus Development Team []


No Title Category Author
33 Lock Account Address Core Mr. HoDL (@Mr-HoDL58)
32 Reallocation of Reserve Funds Core Mr. HoDL (@Mr-HoDL58)
29 Batch Transactions Core Maximiliano Paz (@maxipaz)
28 Prevent Node Shutdowns for Validators in Committee Core Javad Rajabzadeh (@ja7ad)
25 Dynamic fees structure Core Javad Rajabzadeh (@b00f)
17 PNS Pactus Name System Network Kayhan Alizadeh []
16 Adding events in Pactus transactions - Kayhan Alizadeh []


No Title Category Author
24 Change Proposer on Double Proposing Core B00f (@b00f)
10 Fast agreement consensus protocol Core B00f (@b00f)
5 Adding Different HRP For Validator, Account And Contract Address Core Kayhan Alizadeh []


No Title Category Author
30 Fee Types Core Pactus Development Team []
21 unbond token can rebond at any time. Core Hui (@laosiji-io)
12 Automated Version Updates and Announcements in GUI and Daemon Client - Javad Rajabzadeh []