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PIP-22: Agent Node Defination

Authors Nagaraj (@ragnarok87)
Discussion View Discussion PIP-22
Category Network
Created 29-01-2024
Requires PIP-14


The purpose of this proposal is to redefine the node field as ā€œapplication typeā€ instead of ā€œapplication nameā€ in the agent string.


Based on PIP14, the node field is defined as ā€œThe application name of the agentā€. There are two problems with this definition:

  • Depending on the operating system, the node field can change, e.g., pactus-gui & pactus-gui.exe.
  • Some users rename the application, for example, to pdeamon.


This proposal suggests defining the node field as the application type of the agent, as defined below:

  1. daemon: If the client agent is a CLI or Daemon application.
  2. gui: If the client agent is a GUI application.

Security Considerations

The implementation of this time check feature should not compromise security.


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