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PIP-11: Deterministic key hierarchy for BLS12-381 curve

Authors B00f (@b00f)
Discussion View Discussion PIP-11
Category Wallet
Created 2023-09-26


This document describes hierarchical deterministic wallets (or “HD Wallets”) for the BLS signature scheme.


Hierarchical deterministic key derivation is not yet standardized for the BLS signature scheme. Given that BLS is widely used in many projects, having a hierarchical deterministic method is advantageous. This document proposes a standard for generating HD key chains for the BLS signature scheme based on BIP-0032.


We assume:

  • n: Represents the order of G1 and G2 in BLS12-381 curve, which is 0x73eda753299d7d483339d80809a1d80553bda402fffe5bfeffffffff00000001.
  • c: Represents the chain code used to derive the child key.
  • P1: Represents a point in the G1 subgroup.
  • P2: Represents a point in the G2 subgroup.
  • pointG1(p): Returns the point in the G1 subgroup resulting from EC point multiplication of the G1 base point with the integer p.
  • pointG2(p): Returns the point in the G2 subgroup resulting from EC point multiplication of the G2 base point with the integer p.
  • ser32(i): Serializes a 32-bit unsigned integer i as a 4-byte sequence, most significant byte first.
  • ser256(p): Serializes the integer p as a 32-byte sequence, most significant byte first.
  • serG1(P1): Serializes the point P1 as 48-byte sequence.
  • serG2(P2): Serializes the point P2 as 96-byte sequence.
  • parse256(p): Interprets a 32-byte sequence as a 256-bit number, most significant byte first.

Master key generation

To generate the master key, the KeyGen procedure described in the BLS Signatures RFC is used.

Let S be a seed byte sequence of 128 to 512 bits in length. This is the same as the seed byte sequence used in BIP-0032. The value of S should be the binary seed obtained from a BIP-0039 mnemonic and optional passphrase or it should be the master secret obtained from a set of SLIP-0039 mnemonics and optional passphrase.

  1. Calculate I = HMAC-SHA512(Key = “BLS12381 seed”, Data = S)
  2. Split I into two 32-byte sequences, IL and IR.
  3. Use IR as master chain code.
  4. Use KeyGen(IL) as master secret key

Child key derivation (CKD) functions

Provided a parent extended key and an index i, calculating the corresponding child extended key is feasible. The specific algorithm used for this computation varies based on the child being a hardened key or not (or equivalently, whether i is greater than or equal to 231), and on the type of keys involved, whether private or public.

Private parent key → private child key

The function CKDpriv((kpar, cpar), i) → (ki, ci) computes a child extended private key from the parent extended private key:

  1. Check whether i ≥ 231 (whether the child is a hardened key).
    • If so (hardened child):
      • If public key is in G1: let I = HMAC-SHA512(Key = cpar, Data = 0x00 || ser256(kpar) || ser32(i)).
      • If public key is in G2: let I = HMAC-SHA512(Key = cpar, Data = 0x01 || ser256(kpar) || ser32(i)).
    • If not (normal child):
      • If public key is in G1: let I = HMAC-SHA512(Key = cpar, Data = serG1(pointG1(kpar)) || ser32(i)).
      • If public key is in G2: let I = HMAC-SHA512(Key = cpar, Data = serG2(pointG2(kpar)) || ser32(i)).
  2. Split I into two 32-byte sequences, IL and IR.
  3. The returned chain code ci is IR.
  4. If parse256(IL) ≥ n or parse256(IL) + kpar (mod n) = 0 (resulting key is invalid):
    • let I = HMAC-SHA512(Key = cpar, Data = 0x01 || IR || ser32(i) and restart at step 2.
  5. Otherwise: The returned child key ki is parse256(IL) + kpar (mod n).

In a BLS signature, the public key can be defined on either the G1 or G2 subgroups. For hardened key derivation, to obtain different private keys, we pad the private key with 0x01 in G1 and 0x00 in G2.

Public parent key → public child key

The function CKDpub((Kpar, cpar), i) → (Ki, ci) computes a child extended public key from the parent extended public key. It is only defined for non-hardened child keys.

  1. Check whether i ≥ 231 (whether the child is a hardened key).
    • If so (hardened child): return failure
    • If not (normal child):
      • If public key is in G1: let I = HMAC-SHA512(Key = cpar, Data = serG1(Kpar) || ser32(i)).
      • If public key is in G2: let I = HMAC-SHA512(Key = cpar, Data = serG2(Kpar) || ser32(i)).
  2. Split I into two 32-byte sequences, IL and IR.
  3. The returned child key Ki can be calculated based on the public key subgroup.
    • If public key is in G1: pointG1(parse256(IL)) + Kpar.
    • If public key is in G2: pointG2(parse256(IL)) + Kpar.
  4. The returned chain code ci is IR.
  5. If parse256(IL) ≥ n or Ki is the point at infinity (the resulting key is invalid):
    • let I = HMAC-SHA512(Key = cpar, Data = 0x01 || IR || ser32(i)) and restart at step 2.

Test Cases

Test vector on G1

Seed (hex): 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f

  • Chain m
    • chain code: b879b097ba29929520a91dee29de1d94398c91076a4245be61704265d230c972
    • private: 4f55e31ee1c4f58af0840fd3f5e635fd6c07eacd14283c45d7d43729003abb84
    • public: 8fbed8842588b629377c0a0d0d9547a9ee17527d5fd6d2c609034a8c3c074dda031e0dfe886b454499bfe0f40a7c4b18
  • Chain m/0H
    • chain code: 1b33156f5383050c5481396cc641be4e3436f2dae7cf68f5d78aec81c399e0b7
    • private: 5f5d7bfae7eabf2cc3faebc12449e1c7116c2777d7e384ead79df299667b8d9a
    • public: b2826a89a22fec3349d64f4379a1eb5632b0b345b985b738324a5b8db640307421201efe36ae6c8c639d32d4124496ae
  • Chain m/0H/1
    • chain code: d74d25d225a40a3397798e554fc8dd0a80ce7f66f423c4cc0a6d4a278ee389c8
    • private: 3bea739c9a2695ba4af566bc3f28e5c62da8e721b977709f9d492f7129b83521
    • public: af5980f4172797c07174a4040eb0b1859b357b05f0a29ac65c35d957730fd722ffd520d861e8fbe3126d26ceb08dbe52
  • Chain m/0H/1/2H
    • chain code: c87a9057238d8c758f83df550d598678cfa9daaabe1abbe845c5847c60401e48
    • private: 221e1f998e9599aecdab1c9671162bea925ee50d5f1c5bca2ed19908ac0f2ddd
    • public: b06503dda77e1408478fc4b2d044a0ce2ab73691e8497a37f99d00e1076782698aacceb8e68fb9c3db6deccb0b8375fe
  • Chain m/0H/1/2H/2
    • chain code: 89c4994eb292ab70e6f3ae9b7882cca586062df242cad14c4f70af64c26cca42
    • private: 26a19ca5ff2f6b32871de71aabd87a30ce79cdde3b0556cbb46692295f0aee15
    • public: afd589792ba6bcb1866598a673a96fdaef9bf94026ef875a1a3e8d4fd839360f4659c9495afaf24c52577c0aa1fb5d45
  • Chain m/0H/1/2H/2/1000000000
    • chain code: 5f8b5e959ce7874b010b3250ff63c3860c005f73bb219ae7e53814a4d1e57c31
    • private: 44b743b059c2e4cb720378f4f0eda9369a1f02294e140e6a2e444bfdd36b1ad9
    • public: 99b404130a1ae6b6dd90ddf2a25c692f405536fee11046257ed6ba11629f101ad80658c61c039f0523de4c6e9f58a5c8

Test vector on G2

Seed (hex): 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f

  • Chain m
    • chain code: b879b097ba29929520a91dee29de1d94398c91076a4245be61704265d230c972
    • private: 4f55e31ee1c4f58af0840fd3f5e635fd6c07eacd14283c45d7d43729003abb84
    • public: b1bad3bf4a4ae87c89dec2c32512603ca08e2db62cfd2254c96bfe75068f5a98e7c4cd7d37cf0496dd6e79703e7c88e5046bdec9c896ef2ad030096bbcf73c6cff17add3da9530f22491901fdf7fd2076c0f08ea35a4fdaa00e7ac6d0a5442e3
  • Chain m/0H
    • chain code: e271fa0804ffbc6ae5d63b31cce6cc5cc4b3e97b28672bf97a5b009174527938
    • private: 5695ba5087a27f8c0d7270455104658b2367b8e90ab6f7f57ac7ce22d4a6836c
    • public: b37da3080662ceeb7f07289801a56e5c555d413434ad096079c084caa162c8d224891f68816921f5bd1453af7d085bc400341d61ce496ffb11cd10f8e90522447fada1a5f646c45797e00460925876f0b63f4023bf27e828688f7b4dd833e641
  • Chain m/0H/1
    • chain code: 4e0bae8832a7e12b6230ca296e252507ba55e4ca35fe413362f65256bd0adbc0
    • private: 555422bcbffd1d55eea6f87a924ba5d046bb60e2bffe2182daf78bab6a6e179f
    • public: b5f783bb1f1173feebb083f146c5a83470e84f26177862c5ab5b8be34ae6e3955d1b324f501a0d2751d971805f0612bc0b5e966c9060eeb08cf38a7e71037863ffb2f6433694e69db59f731dbe55125f995d2d6ccd139d56d5b481d3bce76baa
  • Chain m/0H/1/2H
    • chain code: e1132c2fdbca1bd9047e1db7eb9d98bc7559f2b853d20e8361553fbc8ba3a9b3
    • private: 39e4906c49c05f5daeed89ced104a32cda82782654dcc116346144424746f871
    • public: 81461b89b446d055ac3bc38b9384363cbabc47cc0a16c97a7c7ea24eeffd70f213daacdfd736a49c45befececcd8183212f04e186bcc9fbf67bfa5de862c57298cff4d36d5409380a166b9e37348b665186019b15498608309936e7ff36a87b5
  • Chain m/0H/1/2H/2
    • chain code: 2c430501360a9b6e7eb71a16774d887a48eea13e6eb513f40a2c7fa3b2771720
    • private: 3aa1e19a9bf2bf631d95b401e29d5f042160edd76ced9696e42a98be80b41faa
    • public: 92b20565b4a02bf82229f32e0ccc6f23446ded5ca2d67067afc70931b5a934f9469651e67e1105b5601cb585a1f44538124fe3529f5b1edb27ab44f0900e59a27f57df87aa03395a70825d02433c2498d8396c90986dad79d5ba9e0fc438bea8
  • Chain m/0H/1/2H/2/1000000000
    • chain code: af0c9948f774376f0a8bd6df515b173d8d6d82b69a0d513797ee7ff283fd16ac
    • private: 2b01ef29730eb62c7114621d9d28ad77cf33f2434572a2bf9b73f1e502fea770
    • public: b05a01a80c3fe465227c23df7e36be1adcf557111f4cc50bf0f00c66c2b084d1e1d96e2f1c754496cb1f83dd1123456e17697e77a9b99ea557a63c9bf29668a966732882e7baebf079a4afad212910deb10e5151e18ae98ee4a57d0e622332aa




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